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Streamlining Sales Processes for Hindustan Adhesives, a Global Manufacturers through HubSpot Implementation

Empowering Hindustan Adhesives Pvt Ltd (HAPL) with a unified sales platform for increased efficiency and customer engagement.
Empowering Hindustan Adhesives Pvt Ltd (HAPL) with a unified sales platform for increased efficiency and customer engagement.


Web, HubSpot



Manufacturing, Adhesives and Shrink Films 


HubSpot CRM Implementation, Sales Process Automation 


HubSpot CRM, Geolocation Integration


Agile Methodology

Our Client

Hindustan Adhesives Pvt Ltd (HAPL) is a leading global manufacturer of adhesives and shrink films, catering to diverse industries and clients worldwide. With diverse product lines and varying price points, HAPL faced challenges in efficiently managing its sales processes and providing personalized services to clients across different geographical locations.

Client's Challenge

HAPL encountered several challenges in managing their sales operations:

1. Fragmented Sales Processes:

HAPL’s sales processes were fragmented and lacked a unified system to manage leads, track interactions, and close deals effectively.

2. Product Line Complexity:

With a diverse range of product lines, each with different specifications and price points, managing sales became intricate, leading to inefficiencies.

3. Geographical Dispersion:

HAPL’s clientele spanned across various geographical locations, making it challenging to coordinate sales efforts and provide personalized services efficiently.

Our Solution

To address HAPL’s challenges, our team implemented HubSpot, a comprehensive customer relationship management (CRM) platform, following a structured approach:

1. Initial Setup and Customization:

We conducted an in-depth analysis of HAPL’s sales processes, organizational structure, and customer journey. Based on the findings, we customized HubSpot to align with HAPL’s specific requirements, including configuring pipelines, custom fields, and user roles.

2. Data Migration:

We migrated existing customer data from disparate sources into HubSpot, ensuring seamless continuity and data integrity throughout the transition.

3. Training and Onboarding:

We provided comprehensive training sessions to HAPL’s sales team to familiarize them with the HubSpot platform’s functionalities and best practices, ensuring smooth adoption and utilization across the organization.

4. Streamlining Sales Processes:

Leveraging HubSpot’s automation capabilities, we streamlined HAPL’s sales processes from lead generation to deal closure. Automated workflows were set up to assign leads, track communication, and nurture prospects based on their interactions with HAPL’s products and services.

5. Product Line Management:

HubSpot’s robust CRM capabilities enabled HAPL to efficiently manage its diverse product lines. Custom properties and segmentation features were utilized to categorize leads and opportunities based on product preferences, pricing tiers, and geographical locations.

6. Geotargeted Sales Outreach:

HubSpot’s integration with geolocation tools enabled HAPL to tailor sales outreach based on the geographical location of prospects, facilitating targeted communication and enhanced engagement with potential clients worldwide.

The Outcome

The implementation of HubSpot yielded remarkable results for HAPL, empowering them to streamline their sales processes, manage product lines effectively, and enhance customer engagement on a global scale:

1. Unified Sales System:

HubSpot provided HAPL with a centralized platform to manage all aspects of their sales processes, leading to improved coordination and visibility across the organization.

2. Increased Efficiency:

By automating repetitive tasks and standardizing sales workflows, HAPL experienced increased efficiency in lead management, follow-up, and deal closure, resulting in accelerated sales cycles.

3. Enhanced Customer Engagement:

HubSpot’s personalized outreach capabilities enabled HAPL to deliver tailored communication and support to clients, fostering stronger relationships and higher customer satisfaction levels.

4. Improved Decision-Making:

HubSpot’s robust reporting and analytics features provided HAPL with actionable insights into their sales performance, enabling informed decision-making and strategic planning for future growth.


Through our expertise in HubSpot implementation and sales process automation, we empowered Hindustan Adhesives Pvt Ltd to overcome their challenges, streamline operations, and position themselves for sustained growth and success in the competitive global market. By leveraging HubSpot’s capabilities, HAPL has transformed its sales processes, delivering superior customer experiences while effectively managing its diverse product lines and geographical footprint.

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